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Please Have November 19 Reserved for the SCDTSEA Conference!

Driver & Traffic Safety Colleague,

I am really excited about the November 19 conference! We are going to have the best known out-of-state and in-state speakers! Andy Pilgrim will speak two times. One on “More on Vehicle Driver Aid Technology” and another on “Dangers of Street Racing and Stunting Explained.” JoEllen Suter will also have two sessions to share her expertise: “Teaching Behind-the-Wheel” and another on “Teaching Classroom.” Rick Todd, President/CEO of SC Trucking Association, will speak on “Be Pro, Be Proud.” Lt. Bill Rhyne and Cpl. Joe Hovis, will be speaking on the encouraging, inspiring and challenging topic of “Why we do, what we do?”

We have always desired some of our teachers to share teaching tips, but seem to always get the conference program too full. Perhaps some can share teaching tips that can be given in emails like this one. In fact, Alan Beckley got inspired with Ford's Driving Skills for Life and shared this classroom teaching tip:

“I call it a Traffic Study. First, I give a lecture on intersections, covering right-of-way, lane usage, etc. Then we talk about common moving violations such as incomplete stops, improper use of turn signals, etc. We then walk down to the nearest intersection and station ourselves at each of the four corners and record any violations and other unsafe behaviors for 10 minutes. Upon returning to the classroom we compile the data and discuss what we observed. The students not only learn what to watch for at an intersection as a driver, but also how to be safe as a pedestrian. Even in inclement weather, nobody really complains, because they enjoy the fresh air, get some exercise and it breaks up the day!”

May more teaching tips come in! I know that we will get a bunch at the conference! I will give a few tips for BTW:

When Cpl. Joe Hovis recently spoke to my class, I got concerned when he said that the SC seat belt fine is only up to $25. I was burdened enough to work on an article about raising the fine for not wearing a seat belt and also share reasons to wear one. Maybe you can talk to your legislators to encourage them to raise the seat belt fine for more and better safety in our state.



Joe Sabbadino
President, SCDTSEA